Stargazing the Future
thoughts on what the future holds for us in terms of artificial intelligence, bioengineering, socio-economics and philosophy
Make your life a story worth telling to everyone
thoughts on living a fulfilling life
One is more than one thinks of oneself, just less than one exaggerates
soliloquy on the complementarity of pride and honesty (in Spanish and English).
The flavor "suffering" also to satiate the hunger for "happiness"
soliloquy on the complementarity of happiness and sadness (in Spanish and English).
Torrent of Desire - Torrente de inspiración
a short motivational manuscript I wrote during the pandemic, to relieve any possible audience tormented by the COVID and myself. Una carta breve motivacional que escribí para el público joven (incluyéndome) que esté pasando por tiempos difíciles durante la pandemia del 2020.